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GSC Events
Follow the link below to view events for the Greenwood Senior Center.
Hot Meal Program
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesIn addition to providing a meal, the Hot Meal Program provides a safe environment to feel cared for and to feel like a part of this neighborhood. We offer a […]
Tool Lending Library
Phinney Center Campus: Brick Building 6532 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle, United StatesThe sun is shining, which means it's time to get your yard or garden into shape! Let the PNA Tool Lending Library give you a hand. We have rakes, edgers, […]
Medicare Counseling
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesHave questions regarding your healthcare? Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors Lee Rockoff & Laura Tranin offer monthly, one-hour appointments. Call the GSC to reserve your spot. For more information about […]
Acrylic Painting Workshop Series
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesJoin us as we explore the world of acrylic painting!
Invisible Histories: Uncovering Seattle’s “Lost” Cemetery
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesExperience the challenges and mysteries of what happened to the people buried at the Duwamish Cemetery (aka Seattle’s Potter’s Field) when it was erased in 1912 for the dredging and straightening of the Duwamish River.
Restorative Yoga
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesAre you looking for connection and community, as well as a way to relax and restore your body and mind? Join Marieke Slovin and friends for a unique yoga experience.
Hot Meal Program
St John United Lutheran Church 5515 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA, United StatesIn addition to providing a meal, the Hot Meal Program provides a safe environment to feel cared for and to feel like a part of this neighborhood. We offer a […]
Hot Meal Program
St John United Lutheran Church 5515 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA, United StatesIn addition to providing a meal, the Hot Meal Program provides a safe environment to feel cared for and to feel like a part of this neighborhood. We offer a […]
End of Life Planning Workshop and Counseling
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesPractical tips on health-care directives, Power of Attorney and more. Limited individual counseling session available before the workshop.
AARP Tax Assistance
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United StatesSchedule an appointment with the AARP volunteer tax preparers.
Orca Card Pop-Up
Greenwood Senior Center 525 N. 85th St., Seattle, WA, United Statesprovide guidance on how to use your ORCA card, answer questions about the regional transit system, provide information about new Metro services, and listen to your feedback to share with Metro planners. RSVP: 206.297.0875.
Tool Lending Library
Phinney Center Campus: Brick Building 6532 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle, United StatesThe sun is shining, which means it's time to get your yard or garden into shape! Let the PNA Tool Lending Library give you a hand. We have rakes, edgers, […]