Clubs & Groups

Books & Discussion Groups

GSC Men’s Group

Mondays, 2 pm
Locations vary

We seek to enjoy each other’s company, have fun, develop life-long friendships, have memorable experiences together, support each other as needed, and serve our community. We have an eclectic mix of discussions and presentations on various topics, games, tours, walks, socializing, volunteering; anything that looks interesting, informative, unusual, or adventurous. Email for info about upcoming events: gro.r1737053289etnec1737053289yenni1737053289hp@Be1737053289curB1737053289.

GSC Book Discussion Group

1st Tuesday of the month, 1:30-3 pm

Expect in-depth discussions about interesting and challenging lit-erature; both fiction and non-fiction. We do not have copies to lend, but only choose readily available books, currently in paperback. Email for questions and book info: gro.r1737053289etnec1737053289yenni1737053289hp@bl1737053289eira1737053289.

Phinney Center Evening Book Discussion Group

2nd Wednesday of the month, 7-8 pm

Expect in-depth discussions about interesting and challenging literature; both fiction and non-fiction. Group decides a yearly list in January.

August 14 The Wager by David Grann
September 11 A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan
October 9 Absolution by Alice McDermott
November 13 North Woods by Daniel Mason
December 11 The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
January 15 Aliss at the Fire by Jon Fosse

Technology Support Group

3rd Tuesday of the month, 1-2:30 pm

Technology can help maintain and enhance social connections with peers, family, friends, and caregivers. But what if technology scares or frustrates you? The new GSC Tech Support Group is here to help! The first hour will cover a tech topic, followed by a half hour to get additional support from your peers and facilitators. If more assistance on the topic is needed, participants can make a follow-up 1×1 tech mentoring appointment. RSVP required: 206.297.0875.

Spousal Loss Grief Group

Wednesdays, 5:45-7:15 pm

Have you lost a spouse? We can help. Our mission is to provide a supportive environment and practical assistance to widows and widowers during their adjustment to the loss of a spouse by death and into their lives as a single person. For more information, call Robin Thomas: 206.234.4647.

Whodunit Book Group

1st Tuesday each month, 6:30-8:15 pm. GSC. Free.

The Whodunit Book Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Greenwood Senior Center. We gather at 6:30pm and discussion of our latest book starts at 7pm and lasts until about 8:15pm. Our June 4 book is “The Secret, Book and Scone Society” by Ellery Adams. The books are available in print, e-book and audio from Seattle, King and Sno-Isle libraries. You are welcome to come along and meet us, even if you haven’t read the book – all are welcome! Call or Email Ariel Burnett for questions and book info: gro.r1737053289etnec1737053289yenni1737053289hp@bl1737053289eira1737053289, 206.297.0875.

World Affairs Roundtable

1st Wednesdays each month, 12:45-2 pm

World Affairs Roundtable is a monthly group in which members teach each other about global events. Attendees choose subjects to research before meeting and then give five-minute presentations on their chosen subjects, followed by time for questions and discussion with the group. Recent topics have covered  Brazilian corruption, a Pacific volcano, and high-profile events in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. For more information: moc.l1737053289iamg@1737053289xatno1737053289cydut1737053289slabo1737053289lg1737053289.

Reader’s Theatre

3rd Thursday of the month, 1:30-3 pm

Reader’s Theatre is intended for people who would like to read, or enjoy listening to a reading of, a one-act play. RSVP: moc.l1737053289iamg@1737053289ydald1737053289rib301737053289021737053289.

Us Too Prostate Cancer Support Group

3rd (online) & 4th (GSC) Wednesdays, 6-8 pm.

Our group is a forum for patients and caregivers to learn about and discuss prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment options, side effects, and the life changes that affect us. We provide information and support for all stages of the cancer journey. For more information, contact Marty Chakoian: moc.n1737053289aioka1737053289hc@yt1737053289ram1737053289, 206-412-0571.

Games & Crafts

Jewelry Making Group

4th Mondays, 1-3 pm

Come dabble in baubles. Join us for an introduction to earring making. We will show you how to construct simple, beautiful earrings, from choosing the beads to wrapping the wire. Later sessions will build on basics. No prior experience needed and no supplies to bring! There may be fees later on, depending on group interest and projects. There’s no need to attend every month, we’ll catch you up! Limit 8-10 participants, based on available tools and supplies. If you have your own tools, please bring them! RSVP required; contact Holly Stein, moc.l1737053289iamg@1737053289niets1737053289byllo1737053289h1737053289 or 206.790.0266.


Mondays & Wednesdays, 10 am-12 pm

If you love Scrabble, join us! This is a fun, informal group who will happily welcome Scrabble players of all ages. Please expect to play by standard Scrabble rules, as described on the box.

American Mah Jongg

*Experienced players* Tuesdays, 1:30-4:15 pm. Free
*Intro to Mah Jongg for beginners* 2nd Tuesday 12:45-1:30 pm (must RSVP)

For further information, or to RSVP for beginner sessions, email moc.l1737053289iamg@1737053289eflow1737053289.inno1737053289r1737053289. Please note: masks continue to be mandatory for this group.

Bridge Group

Wednesdays, 10 am-12 pm

An ongoing social Bridge group. No RSVP is required. Bridge is the ultimate card game and is a great way to keep your brain active. Learn and improve your technique using the Standard American Yellow Card bidding system. Some familiarity with Bridge basics is requested.

Fiber Spinning Group

3rd Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm

Come sit and spin with us and join this social spinning circle. Bring your own wheel and fiber to spin, chat, ask questions and get inspired. There’s no formal instruction but beginner spinners are welcome.

Needle Arts Group

Thursdays, 10:30 am-12 pm

Do you knit, sew, cross-stitch, quilt, or embroider? Rug hooking? Bargello? Any type of needle and thread/yarn work is welcome. Bring your project and enjoy some social interaction. Questions: 206.297.0875.

Cribbage Club

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 6:45-9 pm
Room 3

We meet the first and third Thursday of each month for a round-robin cribbage tournament! Suggested $5 donation to play and all proceeds will be donated to the PNA Hot Meal Program. There will be prizes for the first and second place winners of the tournament. Email gro.r1737053289etnec1737053289yenni1737053289hp@an1737053289p1737053289 to sign up.

Meal Program

GSC Lunch Program

Monday to Friday, noon
$5 suggested donation for diners 60 and over

Enjoy tasty and nutritious fare at an amazingly low cost for people 60 and over! RSVP (by 10 am): 206.297.0875.

Music Groups

Music and Mindfulness

Tuesdays, 10 am-11 am. GSC. Free.

Practice mindfulness, relaxation, and self-awareness, while learning how to implement these practices in your life. Guided sessions will incorporate breathwork, gentle movement, and instrumental improvisations – all while focusing on relaxation and restoration. Instructor Kate Schnieder has a Bachelor’s of Music in Music Therapy and is a board-certified music therapist. Register: 206.297.0875.

Second Sundays Song Circle

2nd Sundays, 7 pm. GSC. Free.

Join us to share the joy of singing together. No expertise is required (staying in key is nice, but we’re not perfect). We sing mainly folksongs, but you can hear anything at one time or another. Singing goes around the group in a circle. When it’s your turn, you may choose to sing, request a song from the group or pass. We all join in on choruses or anything else we recognize. The group has been meeting for over 40 years. Presented in connection with the Seattle Folklore Society. For more info, contact Bruce Baker: 425.998.6134, or gro.e1737053289rolkl1737053289ofaes1737053289@elcr1737053289icgno1737053289s1737053289.

Check out our Events, and Ongoing Classes, too!



Looking for something to do in Seattle? From inspiring art events, to cultural celebrations, to food and beverage gatherings, we offer an array of opportunities to engage for friends and multi-generational families alike.
Ongoing Classes

Ongoing Classes

Explore weekly classes at the PNA. Make a routine out of arts and craft, health and wellness, writing, language, music, or dance classes on offer.
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