About Bingo Karaoke
Play rollicking games of bingo (for cash prizes!), wow the crowd with your karaoke skills, and buy your friends a round of drinks and snacks.
All proceeds support activities for seniors like yoga and dance, painting and writing, daily meals, memory-loss programs, and support groups at the Greenwood Senior Center, a program of the Phinney Neighborhood Association.
Bingo Karaoke Schedule
Tickets go on sale at 10 am, one month before bingo karaoke night! Ticket costs support the Greenwood Senior Center and are nonrefundable. If you can’t make it after purchasing a ticket, let us know and we’ll provide a tax receipt for the donation.
Event Details
Learn More About Bingo
An interview with Bingo Karaoke super host Jeanne Barwick about how she keeps the bingo fun rolling.
How did you first get involved with calling bingo at the GSC?
One sunny afternoon a long time ago, I came into the GSC for our Fundraising Committee meeting. I noticed a small group of seniors huddled around a table playing bingo. They had fired up the bingo blower and had the balls flying and the lightboard was flashing, counting the balls that had been pulled. They were having a pretty good time. I pulled up a chair to observe the action. And, it grew from there.
The committee loved the idea of bingo and we already had the equipment. Why not try it? Then the true stroke of genius: Cecily, our leader [PNA Senior Programs Director], said “Hey, why not add karaoke? I love to sing!” It took a while to work out the details. but it became wildly popular from the start. The younger followers caught on and suddenly we had an ideal mix of young and old. Something we’d always longed to accomplish with our fundraising events.
What’s your secret to keeping a bingo crowd energized and engaged?
The secret to keeping the crowd energized and engaged is to keep things rolling—lots of swearing, lots of laughter, lots of loud!
…I like it to be about the audience. That’s who we’ll talk about at the end of the night. Karaoke makes bingo more fun.
Why do you think Bingo Karaoke has become such a popular night out at the GSC?
Karaoke Bingo at the Senior Center with beer and wine and snacks! What could be better?
What does it feel like when you’re on stage with a hyped bingo crowd hanging on every call?
Oh man, it’s the greatest. And we get to hand out money! How often does that happen on a cheap date?
How excited are you for Bingo Karaoke coming back?
…I’m looking forward to getting back to it. Aren’t we all? It has been a ****ing long time.
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Contact Us
6532 Phinney Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103