Power of Community

About Power of Community

The PNA’s senior programs serve thousands of older adults and their families each year. The goal of this year’s seven week Power of Community fundraising campaign is to raise $100,000 that supports our Greenwood Senior Center and Village programs.

This year’s fundraising event was held at the Ballard Elks Club on October 4th, 2023.

The Power of Community event featured a catered meal and cocktail hour to toast to our donors (like you!) who make all of our Village, senior programs and services possible. We featured guest speakers and celebrated two amazing staff who have elevated our Senior Programs and Memory Loss Program to the highest of heights, Cecily Kaplan and Carin Mack.

Power of Community in Action

Check out our videos to learn more about the critical work we do for the seniors in our community!

PNA’s Senior Programs

The Greenwood Senior Center provides social, physical, and educational activities focused around the needs of older adults. Welcoming 1,800 visitors a year, the senior center offers an opportunity to connect and engage. With dozens of classes, activities, and programs each quarter, the senior center has something for everyone.

The Gathering Place, the PNA’s Memory Loss

Program. Our nationally-recognized memory loss program includes support, programs, and activities for people living with memory loss or dementia and their families.

PNA Village

The PNA Village celebrated its 10th anniversary this year!. Our Village program is an intergenerational community for ALL ages. With 200+ members, this network of support empowers people to remain in the homes and neighborhoods they love while staying active and engaged as they age.

Help Us Reach Our Goal

Our goal for the Power of Community fundraiser is to reach $100,000.00. Help us reach our goal by donating.


Read About Our Work

Event Sponsors

Thank you, sponsors!

Become a Sponsor

Aegis Living

Aegis Living

Aging Wisdom

Aging Wisdom

Anchor Home Services

Anchor Home Services

Era Living

Era Living

Event Schedule

4 pm: Cocktails, canapes and mingling
5-6 pm: Program
6-7 pm: Cocktails and mingling

Oct 4, 2023

4-7 PM


Ballard Elks Club

6411 Seaview Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107

Volunteer for Power of Community

Interested in helping out? Available volunteer opportunities for this event are displayed in this section.

Visit our Volunteer page to learn more about how you can volunteer at the PNA.

There are currently no opportunities for this event. Please check back later.

Contact Information

6532 Phinney Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103



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